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Press Release

Andy Lindquist due to release

  new album Dakota Country

            on 27th October (1).jpg

In the darkest of times music can be our salvation. The latest release from Andy Lindquist is maybe not what one would expect during a worldwide pandemic, but his new album “Dakota Country” is the signature sound of country music - plucking strings to the melody of country life, sprinkled with love, gospel and whiskey. The music is uplifting and reinforces an appreciation of simpler times, and most importantly, shines a beacon of hope.


Lindquist has a long and successful career as a recording artist and with some fifty plus solo releases he is certainly one of the hardest working, ethically driven musicians today. 100% of his musical royalties go to his ministry which helps free young women and girls from the sex trade in Pakistan.

By Cassie Hughes

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