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Pariah Soul-      Hang

Glasgow based rockers, Pariah Soul will be releasing their debut EP on Friday 11 May.

I chose their song 'Hang' as my TOP TRACK this week. It has a dirty, bluesy sound, and a very slight rockabilly feel to it, particularly in the start of the song, and where it repeats.

This is an impressive, well written tuuune, with excellent harmonies, heavy and driving bass groove, and raw, gritty vocals. If a song can make you "feel a place", this song makes me "feel Glasgow" on a Friday or Saturday night.

As for the rest of Pariah Soul's 4 song debut EP, if you want to hear brilliant musical versatility, you'll need to pick this up at a gig.

Pariah Soul - Hold on
Pariah Soul - Use Me Good, Second is Hang @ Stereo Glasgow Scotland 21/10/2016
Video by Demon Dethchase
Pariah Soul - Rain

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