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Anchor Lane

       The EP-

New Beginning

- Review by Cassie Hughes

The debut EP from Glasgow rock band Anchor Lane does not disappoint. It's a stunning four track album that truly showcases a polished sound and talented songwriting. Their musical influences can be heard in their songs (see ) beginning with ‘Finished for Twelve’ with a distinctive rock-meets-country-blues sounds (Black Stone Cherry, anyone?) and ‘Annie’ with a definite Classic Rock throwback, you can almost hear the arenas that this band will be playing in the future, singing along and chanting the bridge as the boys rip up the stage.

‘Cog in the Wheel’ is slightly rougher around the edges, not in terms of style or talent, but grittier and heavier than its two predecessors before leading us into ‘’Twenty Sixteen’, which is a fast driven, many layered, banging guitar rock song. The vocals are a genuinely awesome performance with emotion and anger coursing through it's very veins.The song itself is actually particularly memorable as it is a tribute to the artists lost in the year 2016, which in the media became known as The Curse of 2016. I dare you to listen and not feel that little stab in the heart when Anchor Lane remind us that “…the ace of spades and the Starman died”.

Overall for a debut this is really impressive. More so than some other EPs I have listened to. Anchor Lane’s credentials grow daily with a live tour under way, festival bookings including Download and Hard Rock Hell XII, and a full debut album still to come, this is one band I will definitely be keeping on my radar.

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