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          The Album

Hymns For The Drunk

- Review  by Charlotte

Hailing from Frankfurt, Germany the TANKARD guys serve up a mean onslaught of thrash metal in the mighty compilation (and aptly named) album HYMNS FOR THE DRUNK. An Impressive 30 years since releasing music meant the seasoned musicians had a cauldron of tracks to chose from, HYMNS FOR THE DRUNK is a superb mixture of face melting metal and a great introduction for those, like myself who haven't heard their stuff before. In particular I enjoyed the blend of merry lyrics (these guys sound like they appreciate a dram or two) and sublime musicianship. 

Opening track RECTIFIER is an exhilarating 4 minutes of sheer metal. The chorus is very much a deliberate head rocker (one my veteran metal pals would be happy to leave their butt imprints from their stools in the solid to see live no less...) with guitars blazing in perfect unison. Being a SUCKER for double bass pedal work, I was heavy impressed with the steady drum work. Muchos braw!

NEED MONEY FOR BEER keeps the momentum going "you bastard still hate you, need money for a fucking beer" is probably the most relatable lyric I've ever heard in my entire life. These guys are totally welcome to visit Glasgow, I'd be first in line with a frothy glass of the World famous Tennents in all. I digress....

NEW LIVER PLEASE is thickset in intro which gradually leads into the aggressive pace I've become addicted to since pressing play.

SLIPPING FROM REALITY smashes in (literally with the sound of broken glass) and immediately conjures images of the mythical with a twisty, opening riff. 

DIE WITH A BEER IN YOUR HAND demonstrates the impeccable talents of musicians working in unison. The guitars sound sweet wailing along together, banded with that distinct drum work and truly awesome vocals work. The tempo at times has a refreshing dash of punk. 

WE'RE COMING BACK is the track everyone at a gig gets out their tits on adrenalin and beer seems to fall from the sky with smashing pints. The ska type rhythm played under a simple but MAD addictive solo guitar is proper feel good. 

WE STILL DRINK THE OLD WAYS has some off kilter bass work and slow, thick guitar and drums create a creepy, foggy feel. No sooner than images of swamp monsters appear I  my mind, the pace switches to a war like, heavy rhythm vibe.

THE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is another face melter that bridges the gap well to METALTOMETAL. Man, ethereal guitars sound majestic and demonstrates another shade in the prismatic skill of the TANKARD guys. 

ZOMBIE ATTACK is a belter. The intro is a guy watching a horror movie and as he goes to investigate the noise coming from the door, the droning growl of a ZOMBIE (or poor soul with a mortal hangover if you're in Glasgow) can be heard. The guitar solo on this is a treat, pretty sure there were flaming tearing through the guitar as it was being played and your man on vocals can WAIL! 

EMPTY TANKARD is a foot stomper with a bouncy intro that grows into a mosh pit party. 

THE MORNING AFTER is a horns up and lip pursing delight of metal. 

Then it's a MEDLEY of brilliant fun which merges into OCTANE WARRIORS, another infallible metal delight.

STAY THIRSTY mirrors followig track

TIME WARP with the gentle minor guitar and sweeping drum that blends into some truly legendary solo work on lead guitar.

Closing track RULES FOR FOOLS wraps up the experience with blustery metal. What a stoater of an album! 




Andreas Geremia

Andreas Gutjahr

Frank Thorwood

Okay Zissel



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