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Burnt Out Wreck

The Album-


- Review by Louisa

Imagine Saxon, ACDC and Magnum all rolled into one big ball, thrown down the lane for a “Strike” and you may begin to get an idea of the sound impact Burnt Out Wreck produce. Self described as a classic rock band they are no strangers to the business as lead singer Gary Moat was the drummer for 80s rock band Heavy Pettin' and is now proving that he can make as much of an impression up front. It is easy to hear why they were chosen to support Anvil on their recent tour.

The album “Swallow” released just over a year ago introduces a variety of rock styles which keeps your aural receptors' attention throughout. Opening with a solo guitar the pace is set for “Burnt out wreck” which is immediately intriguing in as much as it screams familiarity and yet is different.

Title track “Swallow” is up next and offers a very Bon Scott era ACDC feel, entirely contrasting to the previous track showing the diversity of the band. “Pulling it out” is an innuendo rife fantastically fun number. You can't help but smile when you listen to this. Leaves little to the imagination but certainly leaves a print on it.  A proper feel good track complete with seductive shredding guitar solo.

Another cracker later on in the album is “Flames” with its heavier bass and rhythm. Definitely one to get up and swing hair to whereas “Your Love (is all I need)” provides the obligatory romantic ballad.

“Swallow” has everything a classic rock album should have and then some.

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